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What I have been watching and listening to this month - April 2021

Photo by <a href="">Caspar Camille Rubin</a>
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin

What is very apparent as a software developer or really anyone wanting a career in IT is that you are going to be lifelong learner and that skills and knowledge you acquired yesterday may not be relevant tomorrow. So, I like to try and learn as much as I can every month. Below are a number of links to Online Video and Podcasts of learning material I have found helpful and I hope you find it interesting and useful.

Python for the C# Developer - JetBrains TV

Getting Started With Elasticsearch for .NET Developer - PluralSight

Searching and Analyzing Data with Elasticsearch: Getting Started - PluralSight

TDD in 2021 with Ian Cooper - DotNetRocks

Elasticsearch for .NET with Steve Gordon - DotNetRocks

Top 10 VS Code Extensions for Web Development (2020)