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What I have been watching and listening to this month - November 2021

Artwork by Microsoft
Artwork by Microsoft

What is very apparent as a software developer or really anyone wanting a career in IT is that you are going to be lifelong learner and that skills and knowledge you acquired yesterday may not be relevant tomorrow. So, I like to try and learn as much as I can every month. Below are a number of links to Online Video and Podcasts of learning material I have found helpful, and I hope you find it interesting and useful.

This month, Microsoft released .Net6 and Visual Studio 2022

Welcome to Visual Studio 2022 – by Scott Hanselman and friends Scott Hansleman and Members of the Visual Studio product team discuss the major new feature announcements for VS2022

.NET Conf 2021 Keynote Scott Hunter and .NET Dev team with the release of .NET 6 and new features for Blazor, Asp.Net and Maui

.NET Everywhere - Windows, Linux, and Beyond Scott Hanselman back again with a discussion on the pervasiveness of the DotNet Framework liked the custom prompt, Powershell on Linux, C# Notebooks, Will definately be checking out Nanoframework.Net and Wilderness Labs

Minimal APIs in .NET 6 Two members of the ASP.NET Team Safia and Stephen demo the Minimal Api Features of Asp.Net

Learn C# with the C# 101 Interactive Notebooks A Brief video on C# Interactive Notebooks.

New Blazor WebAssembly capabilities in .NET 6 Steve Sanderson demos new features of the Blazor WebAssembley run-time, Recompiling and running sqlite on the Browser. Using Rust Code and Building some Nice custom controls

ASP.NET Core MVC & Razor Pages in .NET 6 Dan Roth with new features avaialble in ASP.NET Core including Hot Reload, nullability checking, CSS isolation, Bootstrap 5, async streaming, IAsyncDisposable support, and faster build times.

What's New in EF Core 6 Jeremy Likness & Arthur Vicker demo the new features in EF Core 6

JavaScript frontend development with ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 Javier Calvaro Nelson discusses the changes and improvements made to working with Javascript Frameworks such as React and Angular in .Net 6 and how developers can accomodate new frameworks like svelte and changes to the existing .Net Templates

Posted in What I have been watching and listening to